Writing has always been one of my strongest skills and passions, alongside mental wellness. I believe that every experience offers a valuable learning opportunity. With this mindset, I strive to inspire and encourage others through my words and creativity.


As a child, I loved playing with words, whether it was making up slogans, short stories, or rhymes. Today, I have expanded my writing repertoire to include article writing, branding, product copywriting, website content, CRM, and social media. I have experimented with various forms of writing and honed my skills across different platforms.



A glimpse of a few articles I wrote

The best historic landmarks of Hong Kong

It's worth remembering Hong Kong's past and how it shaped its present. Taking a trip down memory lane in the place I call home was special.

Read Time Out article

7 ways to build a good contact network

I have always enjoyed sharing my knowledge to try and help make a difference. This was published in a magazine created by The Huffington Post's founder.

Read Thrive Global article

Cracking coding*

A piece I wrote about coding: the new alphabet of today's generation. This was published in Playtimes, a famous family magazine.

*a hard copy article

Social Media & CRM

I have also utilised my writing skills with legacy brands, customer relations management, and social media platforms.

I had the pleasure of working on Colgate Malaysia & Philippines' first-ever ChatBot. It significantly brushed my skills and put a sparkling smile on my face!

Your Mental Wellness Hangout

My deep passion for mental wellbeing, combined with my love for words, has inspired me to explore new creative outlets.